Kirwan Group


The long-term benefits of property investing.


Property investment has long been a popular way to build wealth. And despite what you might see in the news about rising interest rates, cost of living pressures and stalling house prices, it continues to be a sound investment in the long term.

Whilst it is true that property investment has a higher entry cost than other investments, such as shares, once you get into the market, it can be less volatile. And over time, the long-term benefits of property investment outweigh many of those of other investments.

Some of the key benefits of property investment include asset growth, rental income, and tax benefits.

Asset Growth
When you invest in property, the idea is that the property’s value will go up over time and this has been proven historically time and time again. Many leading entrepreneurs have built their wealth by establishing a property portfolio,

One of the most attractive features of property investment is the potential for asset growth. When you purchase an investment property, you’re buying the property itself and the land on which it sits. And since land is a finite resource, its value will usually always increase over time. Therefore, in addition to the rental income you might earn from your tenants, your investment property is likely to appreciate, providing you with a healthy return on your investment when you eventually sell up. Once you get into the market, you can then borrow against your assets and continue growing.

At Kirwan Property Group, we specialise in helping our clients with the strategies to invest in property, identify the right assets to invest in and the long-term potential of those assets, as well as offering all the expertise and project management you need to develop those assets to their full potential.

If you have cash set aside for property investment, but aren’t sure where to start, contact our team today.

Rental Income
Investment properties can provide a regular income stream through rental payments from tenants. This rental income can help you cover the costs of owning and maintaining your investment property and provide you with a profit once all expenses have been accounted for.

What’s more, if you purchase an investment property in an area with high demand for rentals, you may be able to charge premium rents and potentially achieve an even higher return on your investment. Melbourne is currently experiencing a shortage of rental properties, so this also allows you to be discerning in choosing the right tenants,

At Kirwan Group, we look at potential rental income for our clients as a part of the feasibility studies we conduct before we provide advice on any property investment. We can also provide insights into growth areas for now and the future. This ensures you have a full understanding of all potential income streams from your investment property, together with maximising your return on investment,

Tax Benefits
Another benefit of investing in property is the range of tax deductions and concessions available to investors.

In addition to claiming deductions for expenses such as loan interest, council rates, water charges, and insurance premiums, there are also different ways to purchase property e.g., Superannuation funds, that can attribute to lowering the tax you pay,

Property Investment is a safer bet
Property investment offers several long-term benefits that make it an appealing option for those looking to build wealth over time. It’s generally less volatile that many other investment options such as the share market.

Having said that, like most investments, there is always an element of risk involved. Engaging the services of a qualified property developer, such as our team at Kirwan Property Group, is a great way to ensure that your investment is being looked after by an experienced professional. We have the insights for future growth, the knowledge to overcome the hurdles and challenges, and the end-to-end expertise in building quality, sought after properties.

Whether you’re an investor looking to buy into an existing development or considering starting from scratch with your own development, we can help you identify and evaluate the right opportunities.  We do it all, from funding opportunities to site selection, contracts, planning, building and selling.

If you’re thinking about investing in property, be sure to speak to our team today.